Well!! I don't know about you, but I am 'baking' here! (not baking a pie, just baking!) it is WAAYY too hot here in PV and also humid (the rains aren't here yet) I want to move inside a tub with fresh water and aromatherapy.... (I know, that sounds a little crazy)... anyway, if you are in the same 'state of mind' as me, maybe its time to do something to freshen up, Here are a couple ideas to make your warm summer afternoons more enjoyable...
How about installing an oasis in the middle of your patio/backyard? citric colorful and lovely pillows?

you could never have a bad day living there
I know! I am workin on my back patio but its a slow process as there have been tons of biz trips lately... will post pictures of my new patio once i finish it :)
Thanks for visiting!!!
I love it when the weather gets warm and I can start spending more time outside. Especially in beautiful outdoor rooms.
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